"Logic Never Undresses in Front of Pain'
Years back my 21st century PoP preached a sermon titled "Tips from the Crypt". My PoP gave three points. One of the points is the title of this post. The crux of the message was about giving perspective to what theologian, philosopher and thinkers have debated for centuries; the problem of evil. I have heard, read, and asked the billion dollar question that many have asked and others are too afraid to ask “if God is good why evil?”
Through the years, I have read different explanations of this problem. From those who argue that God is not the source or cause of evil but he permits it to those who suggest that we go beyond the evil to focus on how God gives purpose to pain or allow pearls to come from life irritation (pains). There are countless other explanations to the problem of evil I will spare you.
But regardless of what explanation you subscribe to at some point like me you will submit to the rider of this post that indeed “logic is never undressed in front of pain". What this suggests is that all the explanations you give for evil is meaningless when the pain or evil directly involves you, someone you love and if like me you are concerned about human suffering around the world. God is good seems like a lie when you see little kids of 2-3 years struggling with leukaemia or other disease. There was a time and still occasionally that I lean towards the thought that God brings purpose to pain yet I have query why he needs pain to accomplish purpose. Which to me sound a sadist.
Yet despite my questions I have come to trust in the integrity of God even when logic (reason) fails to explain evil.
# Father's choice
Posted on Facebook on January 17, 2021.
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