Find your coat (s).
One of the things I have issues with in America is hanging my coat in the shared pool area during winter because of the difficulty of locating it. I will think of myself as fashionable, but I must choose between becoming frigid in winter and kpaing fashionably or damn fashion and live. The implication is that I have to select coats for their ability to keep me warm, not fashion, which means my coats are mostly black. When I get to the pool, everything looks the same, and I wonder, where is my coat? I am still mastering the art of finding my coat.
I think there is a metaphorical kinship between gifts and coats. From a Judeo-Christian perspective, like the coats of many colors Jacob gave Joseph, God, your creator(if or not you believe in him), has gifted you something. Your gift, like your coat, is tailored and made for you. It is a metaphor for inward treasure, and even if, like Jospeh's brother, someone takes the coat, they can't take the treasure in you. It is an abinibi(intricately woven into you), not just an ability.
One of the things I am grateful for about motivational books before they became "bastardized" or structures made them difficult to actualize is what they did to me. Self-help books helped me to be conscious of my innate gifts. As we knew him then, Dr. Myles Munroe, one of the foremost Apostles of Purpose, helped me learn and walk in the consciousness that I am gifted. He would often say you are gifted with multifaceted gifts and capacities hidden in plain sight; your gift is in seed form, but you must find and develop them. They may not be fashionable gifts based on how society creates a hierarchy of values about gifts, but they are nonetheless gifts.
On this occasion of coming out of my social media "hiatus," I encourage you as I do myself: find your coat (s) and wear it well. As that songwriter Donald Lawrence said, your gift looks good on you, and you should wear it well. Your coat is also a seed. Find it. Water it, nurture it. It doesn't matter if no one celebrates it; you are endowed and gifted by God!
Happy Weekend people!
Posted on Facebook on May 18, 2024