Gates of Decision: Public Invitation to a Dinner of Insights.

"The older we get, the longer we live, the more we realize that we are born looking like our parents, but we die looking like our decisions." (p.3 Disruptive Thinking)

Lately, I have beamed more focus on my decisions. What decision did I think brought me here, and what decision do I need to make to carry you forward? Could it be possible that our daily decision and indecision shape our destiny?

My PoP over the years said one of the many ingredients for good decisions is good information. He says, "You can't make good decisions with poor information.". Information is not only the new gold; innovative and transformative information is. My PoP opines that Good information enhances your thinking and could challenge and expose the flaws in your thinking and stinking thinking.

While celebrating my PoP, I thought to invite you to the best dinner of insights I look forward to every year in the last half-decade. Annual Lagos Studies Association Conference.

"Audiences will choose from 18 professional development workshops on book and journal publishing, archives digitization, academic job hunting, teaching pedagogy, fellowship and grant application, and graduate school application and experience, among others; roundtables on 22 books that are at the cutting edge of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences; and a dozen critical-celebratory panels on retired and very senior scholars and canonical works that laid the foundation of newer studies. Dozens of panels on original paper presentations offer new perspectives on a spectrum of fields and subfields."

If you are like me, you are already looking through the program for panels that will inform and illuminate what you are up to next or now.

My PoP gave me some Rs for life, decisions, and many other things. I will share a few of his Rs that I keep in front of me.

Research: gathering information and collecting data.

Roadwork: removing obstacles and clearing the path.

Rewards: listing choices and imagining their consequences.

Revelation: narrowing your options and making your selection.

Rearview: looking back and adjusting as necessary to stay on course.

I encourage you to find something that interests you or piques your curiosity. Sit in the room where ideas are shared; feed your mind to feed your life.

 Posted on Facebook on June 11, 2023

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Gbe Ito mi: Pause for thought or Bend Neck.


Find your coat (s).